Academic advising at George Mason University is an integral part of the educational process that enhances student learning and development by supporting, teaching, and connecting students to curricular and co-curricular experiences relevant to becoming an exemplary Mason Graduate: an engaged, reflective citizen and well-rounded scholar who is prepared to act.
Your advising team at the Schar School of Policy and Government is here to help you navigate Mason. Advising can be as simple as signing off on a change of major form or as in-depth as charting out your entire academic career class by class. We also like to work with students getting back on their feet after they’ve encountered unexpected challenges on their way to graduation; sometimes, showing how you recover from a setback is just as valuable as never having one in the first place.
Things that we can help with include (but are not limited to!) the following:
- Learn more about our school, our courses and our faculty.
- Help you run a Degree Evaluation: See what you’ve done and where you’re going!
- Transfer courses that didn’t transfer to Mason as the classes you thought they would.
- Providing checklists. Even rocket scientists need checklists.
- Helping students come back after an absence, for whatever reason.
- Helping you find additional Mason resources both inside and outside our school.
Fairfax Undergraduate Student Services Office:
Aquia Building Room 337, MS 3F4
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-993-1400
Fax: 703-993-1399
Current students, make an appointment with an advisor on NavigateMason
Advising Email for Government & International Politics Majors (new and current students): gvip@gmu.edu
Advising Email for International Security & Law Majors (new and current students) isl@gmu.edu
Advising Email for Public Administration Majors (new and current students): puad@gmu.edu
Email for All Prospective Undergraduate Admissions Inquiries: ScharUG@gmu.edu